Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blog Post #5

Virtualization on a computer

Do not Teach Your Kids this Stuff. Please?

First of all, the form of the post really got me thinking. As you scroll down further and further towards the end I’m sure you notice it’s not typically in the form of a paragraph. It somehow jumps out to me as doomsday or something in that nature, in a sense that if we don’t encourage children to use technology and support the movement of it, then we along with the children will be lost. Yes! There are things on the internet children should stay away from, but there’s so much more offered that they will not see in the outside world. Everything comes with a choice and focusing on teaching our children to make correct choices will help benefit them in their usage of technology.

The iSchool Initiative

I can’t say that I agree fully with the idea of getting rid of everything in today’s teaching and replacing it with the iSchool. I know that technology is expanding and I do feel the use of it is beneficial, but as far as making it top priority is just not something I’m comfortable with. Although the idea of the iSchool is not one I totally agree with, I enjoyed the presentation of the argument.

Travis showed all the features that are in the classroom or on a computer that can be found easily on the iSchool. Just thinking about the hassle of carrying books and sometimes not having a writing utensil does make me feel that this idea is a great one, but what happens when something goes wrong with the iSchool and there is wait on a replaceable one? I wouldn’t mind meeting one of the iSchool Initiative members to get the full outlook on the idea.

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir

I am speechless after watching this video. I love music in every aspect and I always try to find the latest on how someone has changed something or created a movement. This is definitely a movement in the making. The people might as well have been in the same room, because I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. I am in awe of this discovery and of the person who thought to make something like this. This is confirmation that technology is as good as people say it is.

Teaching in the 21st Century

In this video, Roberts feelings of the word “teach” today means educating future students about properly using technologic resources. With so much going on around nowadays we cannot rely on just television or someone else passing along for information. We must go where we can get a precise answer to whatever it is we seek to know. I agree with Roberts’ outlook on the situation on teaching students today. We cannot approach them students with just the day to day book teaching.

Roberts also feels that technology is not just pure entertainment, but is more about the engagement of the student and the task at hand. Students enjoy the challenge of being asked to find out things on their own; technology gives them that confidence in themselves to be able to do it. Although sometimes I feel that technology is not going to be needed much in Math, it clearly is. Teaching does not always have to be about a particular subject. I believe it’s about building the knowledge of a person and I know technology helps with that, so I’m all for encouraging it.

Children Listening To A Teacher Read

Reading Rockets

I honestly feel that nothing can really prepare you fully for the position of teaching, but this site pretty much sums it up quite well. Reading is one of the most important subjects taught and there are many things listed on this site that are valuable to students reading capabilities. I personally would choose this site as an example seeker to help me in the classroom. It’s filled with multiple links to help make you and I perfect teachers. It varies from helping for teachers to helping for principles as well.

I loved this site; in particular I liked the link Teacher Education which explains why some teachers are look at not being prepared to teach. There are multiple guidelines for the teacher in critiquing their personal knowledge while applying it in the classroom. I also enjoyed reading about Speech, Language, and Hearing. It definitely helps one to understand how to approach teaching a child with a hearing disability or a child learning English as a second language.


  1. "... as far as making it top priority is just not something I’m comfortable with." In EDM310 we are trying to make you uncomfortable with that thought!

    Are you ready to be the new kind of educator that is called for by these authors?

  2. "In EDM310 we are trying to make you uncomfortable with that thought!" Each week I am understanding that statement more and more. It really challenges my beliefs and I feel that is exactly what is going to make me a great educator. Although my beliefs are crucial to how I'm going to educate, I know that it will be mainly about the students and how they perceive today's education.

  3. Hey Katrina,

    You made some great points in your post. I love how you addressed the fact there are bad things in technology was well. I say this all of the time in my post, we must address both sides of the story. I also agree, the post confused me at first, until I reached the bottom and put it all together. We shouldn't let the negative things that are possible stop us from utilizing the positive things of technology.

    The only advice I have is to be sure to proof read your post(Even your titles) for grammar correction. Other than that, this was a great post!
